Production Blog - Commercial preperation
Hello everyone, welcome back to the blog! This blog is going to be focused entirely on the process of making the actual commercial. Starting with the first scene of the story board I drove to a state park here in Florida in order to get the woodsy vibe and scenery that I am trying to achieve in my establishing shot. But as Floridian weather does whatever it wants, it started to pour before I even reached the park. I wasn't going to further test my luck by waiting out the wet weather as it could easily go on for days here. So I instead decided that I would start compiling my already captured pictures and videos and have them ready. I started downloading all the pre recorded clips and pictures from my camera on to my computer so I could start editing when ready. I then imported all the ready to go pictures an videos onto Adobe premiere pro. I also got started on getting the music I wanted to use in the commercial. I had already bought both songs I want to used so it was just a matter of getting them on adobe. So I downloaded the songs down onto my computer and then imported them onto premiere pro just to have it ready. Both songs are individually long enough to cover the length of the commercial so when I sit down to do the final edit I will test both song to see which fits better. And scrap the other that does not fit the style I am searching for. Since I am also still preparing the costume choice I am going to go with for the filming of the first clip. For the upper body I have decided on wearing a dark green button up as it goes with the theme and it fits the fact that green is the goal aesthetic. If it is too hot outside for the button up I will swap it for a bigger linen shirt. For the lower body I decided on wearing a pare of hiking shorts with pockets since they give a outdoorsy impression. And I haven't decided on if want to wear a hat or not so I will see what I decide on once I drive to the park a second time. I will be wearing handmade bracelets too to further sell the rugged outdoor theme. Other than that, that is it for this blog everyone, thank you for reading!
(A picture of the state park I've chosen)
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