Production Blog- Correcting Hiccups
Hey everyone, welcome back to another blog! Today I'll be letting you all know how the past two days went while on production. So, I ran into some problems once I started to put the videos together into a functioning commercial. My videos were in different compositions. Half of my pictures and videos were in landscape. And another good half of my pictures and videos were in a portrait composition. So in order to solve this I had two options, I could either scrap everything in portrait mode and keep searching for more clips that where landscape. Or I could make the commercial still flow nice with transitions from landscape and portrait that flow well and are pleasing to the eyes. I settled on a compromise between the two ideas, a hybrid so that I would get the most out of the content I had at my hands. I decided to film a additional new video on top of what I was already going to film. This new video is going to be me climbing a route inside a indoor climbing gym. For the costume I'll be wearing for this is just a typical gym outfit to match the background environment. This will complement my hobbies I talked about in my introduction blog so it will fit nicely. And the rest of the different composed clips will simply be transitioned in a way that makes them usable and not a eyesore that will ruin this commercial. As for the rest of the stuff I had prepared, the music downloaded nicely with no issues which is a relief. And everything was rendered into premiere pro without any issues or minor errors which means I'm practically ready to just make the commercial soon. And as for the establishing shot that I still want to film I ran into the same problem I had last time. The weather lately has been super humid, buggy and wet. It must be since a hurricane is in the process of passing by Florida so I am not super worried. Good weather is on its was as this hurricane passes Florida by so I will be back at filming as soon as I get the chance. That's a wrap for this production, see you all next time!
It was a pleasure, goodbye.
(A picture I'm using for the commercial of a macro shot I took)
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