Production Blog- Finishing touches

 Hello everyone, welcome back to the blog! Todays blog will be all about the last few tweaks I added to my commercial. So, to start us off with some good new, I finally got the establishing shot I was waiting so long for! It took me a good two weeks for the weather to be favorable and sunny but I finally managed to get a good shoot for a 30 second clip. On this weeks sunny day I drove to the state park and parked nearby a empty field of grass and small hills. With me I had brought my tripod and phone so I could record along with my costume choice. For the costume I decided on a hiker type of outfit, bringing cargo pants and a rugged shirt. I decided that I didn't want to wear a hat and I also decided I would be wearing a back pack. The final clip was around 30 seconds in length but I trimmed it down to around 7 seconds for the commercial as to not make it so long. After returning home I quickly downloaded the footage down onto my computer and added it to my editing software. I added the clip onto my timeline and organized all my clips into the order in which I wanted them to appear in. Since I was looking for a vintage look for my commercial I opened a adjustment layer and started to color grade my footage. I made each of the clips a little less saturated and vibrant as well as adding some pale greens and blues. I did this to give the look that the clips were aged and filmed on real film instead of digital. I also created a damaged film overlay like what you see in old black and white movies which I placed over the commercial to further sell the vibe. Along with that I also added a small retro film countdown to the very beginning of the commercial before the title card to set the vibe of the commercial before it even starts. And to finish it all off I also added a burned film effect that would flow in and out between each clip. This would function as a good seamless transition between clips and I used it as well to switch from the landscape to portrait orientation. Lastly, I mad sure the music I picked played at the right time and played at the points where I wanted it too. I added a fade out for the music too and ended it at a point where it doesn't stick out. And that is it for my commercial! It is completed and downloaded. Thankyou all for reading. 

It was a pleasure, goodbye.


( The retro film countdown I decided to use for my commercial)


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