Reflection Blog- All About Me Commercial

Hello everybody, welcome back to the blog! Today I am looking back over my completed commercial and going over how everything went. This commercial was an amazing project to work on, it brought so many new skills to my attention. Specifically, how to work with the technology required to make a good commercial. Throughout this project I started my journey on how to use Adobe Premiere. This is software that really allows me to squeeze every bit of creativity out of my brain to put it into my work. It was a struggle to learn at first, but it was useful for the editing I needed for my commercial. It is just overly complicated; it has hundreds of functions and that is a little overwhelming in the beginning. But it got better, all it took was a few YouTube searches and I was already making timely progress on learning the software. I was also given the opportunity to learn more about my iPhone and its camera through this commercial. I had the chance to learn how to customize my cameras' settings and improve the quality on which I could film, which was a wonderful thing to improve on. Completing and working on this project also taught me an awful lot about how to plan and put together an actual project. Learning to plan was a big issue I ran into a few times with the weather being poor here and everything. So, I had to make backup plans multiple days ahead to eventually get the jobs I needed finished. Things like the wardrobe and filming dates had to be rescheduled but thankfully I had understood how to do this properly, so everything flowed smoothly. Learning to also manage my time better was another substantial change I had to learn. With things like school and sports happening every day I had to learn to utilize all the 24 hours I am given each day. Really trying to make sure I get the most done every day to make the project a successful one. Looking back at my commercial, many things went well, but there were some things I could improve on. Halfway through my project I realized that the clips I had decided to use in this commercial were all different compositions and resolutions. Some clips were shot in a portrait composition while others were shot in landscape. This was an issue as it is not very commercial like for the entire video to flip composition randomly, so I had to find alternatives methods to make it work. As for the resolution issue I ran into, that was easily fixed with a quick Adobe edit although the commercial would have been much nicer had all the clips been the same resolution. Keeping these two things in mind, the next time I set off to start a project like this I will take extra steps to make sure all camera settings are uniform. And if needed all composition done right to fix with the desired outcome. The amount of fun I had in making this commercial is hard to describe. These types of small passion projects come easy to me and are a great motivator to become a better photographer or whatever hobby that requires camera work. I am looking forward to more of these projects in the coming future and I hope to improve upon my skills as fast as possible so that I can start doing these sole for the fun of it. That is all for this blog, thank you all for reading!  

It was a pleasure, goodbye.


(This was one of the photos that had a different composition compared to the others)


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