Production Blog- First Successes
Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! Todays topic is about the first few sessions of filming for the music video. The Florida weather finally cleared up and was sunny for the first time in a while. I took this opportunity of good weather to start the filming process for a few scenes. The scenes I wanted to get finished up where the, forest scene, the beach scene and the open field scene. I planned to film these three scenes throughout the course of two days. For the beach scene I needed to catch the sunrise to make the scene more pleasing to the eyes. So I needed to be up at at the beach at around 7:00 in the morning to film. I spent the first day filming on the beach and got all the clips I needed for the scene. All I brought with me was a tripod and the costume I chose for the film session. I chose a red tank top and a blue pair of bathing trunks so that it would be safe to in the water since they are light clothes. I spent the second day filming the field scene and the forest scene. These scenes were daylight dependent so I made sure to be at my locations at noon time for peak sunshine and lighting actions. I set up a tripod for the forest scene since I need to keep the same position for all the shots for this scene to achieve the effect I am looking for. I also picked out my costume for the music video, a brown shirt with green shorts and white shoes. right after I filmed the forest scenes I drove the fields and quickly started filming there too. I had my partner hold the camera for me when filming to achieve an effect called a dolly zoom which I wanted. I also made sure to keep the costume the same throughout the filming of that scene too. Once I finished I sent myself the videos on my computer to be ready for editing when the time is ready. That is all for this blog here folks, see you next time!
It was a pleasure, goodbye.
(A picture of the sunrise over the beach where I filmed)
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