Production Blog- First Days of Filming
Hello everyone, welcome back to the blog! This blog is going to be focused entirely on the process of getting the initial filming done. Starting with the planning of the first session. I spent my first few days of prep focusing on making a simple schedule. It came out as good as I expected, it wasn't anything special or groundbreaking but it would get the job done. The past two weeks had been pouring so I had to postpone any filming until the weather was clear. So while I waited for good weather I instead decided that I would start working on getting a working demo for the titles I'm going to be using in the Final Task. I started downloading Adobe After Effects and booted up a few YouTube tutorials. I then spent another couple of days familiarizing myself with the software. After about a week of waiting the weather cleared up and got myself ready to film. Plans to film were made and I got all my gear in one place. The first two pages of the storyboard were filmed first. The establishing shots and wide shots were done first. I used a tripod for this session of filming with wide lens for the shots I needed. I took about an hour to get all the first scenes I needed. For the upper body of the characters wardrobe I decided on wearing a dark green button up for Alfred. And it goes with the theme and it fits the fact that green is my favorite color. For the lower body I decided on wearing a pare of sweats as they are the most comfortable and healthy for long hours on a set as they don't restrict blood flow like jeans would. And I haven't decided on wardrobe for the other main character yet but I will have that done soon That's all the time I have for this blog, thanks for reading!
It was a pleasure, goodbye.
(A picture of the after effects software I'm using)
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