Production Blog- Initial Edits

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to this weeks blog! This blog is going to be focused around the first few days of editing on this Final Task. Once I had gathered all my footage from the days prior, I made sure to download the clips onto files. After that I quickly made sure everything was safely downloaded onto my computer before I had any chance to lose the downloads. Better safe than sorry, I knew that if I didn't do it immediately I would lose the clips. Once everything was safely on my computer I made sure to open the After Effects software and import the footage. This software is where I am going to be doing all of the title designing. After making sure the footage was imported, I made sure to do the same thing but with Premiere Pro. Before I could do any titles I needed to make sure I had the first Rough edits done. So the spent the next four days splicing and tweaking the footage to get a rough draft of the Final Task. This mostly included getting rid of bloopers and poor quality clips, as well as excluding any unneeded footage. Once this draft was complete I decided to start my training and learning of the After Effects software. I was not was knowledgeable about the title editing was I would have liked to be. So I decided I would spend the next four to five days making sure I learned everything I would need to know about making these titles. It didn't go exactly as I would have hoped. I wasn't able to keep that commitment of four days as I got smacked in the head with other school work. But as soon as I got my week fixed I made plans to retry the learning process for five days. It went much better this time but I didn't think five days was quite enough. I tried a rough draft of title editing and got nowhere. I decided to try learning again. That is all the time I have today, thankyou for reading!

It was a pleasure, goodbye.


(The files I captured my footage on)


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