Production Blog- Last of The Draft Edits

 Hello Everyone! Welcome back to todays blog! Todays topic is going to be focused mainly about the final touches and details of the main draft for this final task. This will not include the final music choice of the Final Task. I started this week off by finishing up any last minute learning of the after effects software that I would need to make the title design. After I made sure I understood everything I would need to know to make a good title I got straight to work. I opened up the software and put booted up all my footage from my draft. The first things I needed to do was plan out exactly where each title was going to go in the clip. I spent around two hours thinking and plotting points on where everything needed to be. A lot of the titles are scattered randomly around the shoots but a few are placed in a way that makes it look like they are a physical part of the world. I thought that looked cool and that adds some character to the clips. After that was done with I got started on the actually title design creation. The look I want for my titles is a very retro cheap look. That would go with the theme of a government EAS which is present in this Final Task. The name of the font I was looking for was VCR OSD mono and I downloaded it immediately. I put it into After Effects and got started on stylizing it. I made the titles so that they will enter the screen as if they are typed on. They will stay on for around three seconds before they will exit by glitching off. The text color will be a simple white and bolded. Once I got all the titles rendered and polished I watched the footage a few times to catch any mistakes. But after that I was finished! After around five hours in the editing chair total I had finally finished the titles for the Final Task. That is all the time I have today, thankyou for reading!

It was a pleasure, goodbye.


(A picture of the font I am using)


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