Production Blog- This Horrible Weather Is Back
Welcome back to the blog, folks! In this entry, we'll be delving into the unpredictable hand that Mother Nature has once again delt me. This week has been filled with nothing but gloomy and humid fog along with more rain than needed . The goal for the start of this music video was to start filming as soon as possible however that wasn't possible this week. As anyone familiar with Florida weather knows, its like this often unfortunately . Not one to tempt fate, me and my partner Sophie decided to work on other things besides the filming so at least our preparation is done. Me and my partner decided to work on our preparation separately and focusing on different aspects. They got the job of reorganizing the schedule, while I was put in charge of costume choices, storyboard tweaking and set spotting. Starting with the storyboard tweaking, I spent the entirety of last week making sure that the sketches done for the storyboard were redone as the best they could as to allow for the best interpretation possible. I wanted to make sure that when I would look back on the storyboard I would know exactly what I am looking to achieve. This goes the same for the descriptions too, I made sure each description was detailed enough to provide me with the insight to film properly. For the task of set spotting I spent my Friday night looking on Google Earth and Maps to find some close areas to me which would fit the settings for the scenes I picked out. I found a nice empty beach and an abandoned parking garage which will be perfect for the filming once the weather is better. I also decided that I wanted to film at our local state park again as it is too beautiful not to use. The picking of a costume was the hardest task I found. I still haven't decided on anything quiet yet but I am on the fence between if I want to used pants or shorts. I will most likely pick shorts due to Florida's heat and I want to make sure the costume will not give anyone a heat stroke so I will play it safe and pick shorts. Green shorts, white sneakers, and a brown shirt will match the aesthetic I am looking to achieve. A in touch with nature vibe of the main character. That is all the time I have for the blog everyone, until next time!
It was a pleasure, goodbye.
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