Reflection Blog- All About Me Commercial
Hello everybody, welcome back to the blog! Today I am looking back over my completed com mercial and going over how everything went. This commercial was an amazing project to work on, it brought so many new skills to my attention. Specifically , how to work with the techn ology required to make a good commercial. Throughout this project I started my journey on how to use Adobe Premiere. This is software that really allows me to squeeze every bit of creativity out of my brain to put it into my work. It was a struggle to learn at first, but it was useful for the editing I needed for my commercial. It is just overly complicated; it has hundreds of functions and that is a little overwhelming in the beginning. But it got better, all it took was a few YouTube searches and I was a lready making timely progress on learning the software. I was also given the opportunity to learn more about my iPhone and i ts camera through this commercial. I had the chance to learn how to custom...